Responsible for the operation and maintenance of City of Canfield water, sanitary sewer, and storm water systems. Maintenance of City of Canfield parks, cemeteries, and Village Green. Operational repair and maintenance of City streets, public works vehicles, all City buildings. Ice/snow control, leaf pickup, right-of-way maintenance including street lights and signs.
Pavement Conditions Rating (PCR)
At the request of the City of Canfield (City), ms consultants, inc. (ms) performed a visual inspection of all existing roadways within the City of Canfield in April 2021. The data was compiled and each street was then rated based on a modified version of the Ohio Department of Transportation Pavement Condition Rating formula.
The intent of the assessment is to provide the City with a planning tool for future resurfacing projects and to identify the streets that are in need of repair and/or resurfacing.