Utility Infrastructure Maintenance (Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water)

Canfield Public Works is responsible for the maintenance and operations of all Public Water Distribution Lines, Public Sanitary Sewer Collection Lines, and the City of Canfield Storm Water System within the limits of the City of Canfield. Routine operations and maintenance activities are performed by our Public Works Department.
Utility Billing for the City of Canfield is conducted by our Utility Billing Department.
The City of Canfield owns are operates the Water Distribution for the City of Canfield. Canfield maintains two (2) one-million gallon storage tanks, an elevated storage tank located on Hilltop Blvd., and a ground storage tank located on Fairground Blvd. This infrastructure provides the necessary pressure for the distribution of water to our citizens. Meander Water is the supplier of water and conducts all treatment activities related to the waster distributed by the City of Canfield. Water is purchased in bulk from the City of Youngstown, and distributed throughout the City of Canfield. The water purchased from the City of Youngstown is metered at Kirk Road and reaches the City via a 24” pipeline that travels south along Route 11 and feeds the supply to the storage tanks. The City of Canfield owns the infrastructure for distributing water, and conducts routine maintenance and operational activities related to our water system, including but not limited to daily sampling, lead/copper monitoring, hydrant flushing, and emergency repairs.

Wastewater collections system in Canfield is comprised of gravity pipes, manholes, lift stations, control structures, and force mains that gather used water from residential and nonresidential customers and convey the flow to the wastewater treatment plant. Sanitary sewer/wastewater generated within the City of Canfield exits the city near the intersection of Herbert Road and Sawmill Creek. Wastewater is transported to the Meander Water Pollution Control Facility. The wastewater is then treated; whereas the solids are removed and transported to a landfill and the liquid – upon further treatment – is returned to Meander Creek the headwater of the Mahoning River. The Meander Water Pollution Control Facility is owned and operated by the Mahoning County Sanitary Engineer.

Storm water is captured in downspouts, roadside storm inlets and street catch basins through-out the City. Storm water captured and transported via the City’s storm water system, is directed to the nearest open ditch or creek. Two-thirds of the storm water generated within the City of Canfield is discharged into Sawmill Creek (the headwater of Meander Creek, Meander Reservoir) and is within the Meander Watershed.
A smaller portion of the City’s storm water (approximately one-third) flows toward Indian Run Creek (the headwater of Mill Creek) and is within the Mill Creek Watershed.

Canfield Public Works Department performs emergency water and sewer line repairs when breaks or disruptions in our systems occur. These repairs are done when service to our residents are impacted, and typically are repaired within four (4) hours of the break or disruption occurring. Any resident that suspects a waterline break, sanitary sewer, or storm water back up should be reported immediately to City Hall offices at 330-533-1101 or after hours by calling the Police Dispatch Center at 330-533-4903.