09/15/2021 – City of Canfield Updates Community on ARPA Fund Utilization Plan
With our Valley’s continued fight against COVID-19 and our hope that businesses and their employees and families stay healthy, the Regional Chamber wishes to share the latest information from Mahoning County Public Health: Mahoning County Public Health recently developed and posted a survey link on its website for businesses that may want to offer vaccinations to their employees. The organization can also set up at the place of business, depending on the number of individuals who would like to be vaccinated. Please click on the survey link below. Mahoning County Public Health is also pleased to announce the opening of appointments for the area’s regional mass vaccination clinic on April 30 at the former Dillard’s Department Store at the Southern Park Mall in Boardman. Appointments can be made through MCPH’s scheduling system, ArmorVax, at For those needing assistance with the online scheduling system, please call 330-270-2855. You must be 18 years of age or older to receive either of these vaccines. The Moderna vaccine will be available for appointment times between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Friday, April 30, with the follow up dose scheduled on Friday, May 28, 2021. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine will be available for appointment times between 2:15 and 6:45 p.m., also on Friday, April 30. |
The City of Canfield contracts with the Mahoning County Health Department for the administration of public health affairs in the City of Canfield.
Click here for the latest COVID Statistics for Canfield (44406)
Click here for the latest COVID Statistics for Ohio
Click here for the latest COVID Statistics for the United States
City Hall Closed: 11/25/20 – 12/6/20
Due to an outbreak of COVID positive tests and/or exposures of City Hall personnel. Canfield City Hall will be closed for deep cleaning and sanitization. City Hall will reopen on Monday, December 7, 2020.
Access to City Hall will be restricted, City staff will be working remotely as appropriate and will be available to assist citizens through the normal course of City operations.
The City of Canfield appreciates the public’s patience and understanding during this closure. Please be safe, and stay healthy!
Mahoning County Public Health COVID-19 Zip Code Dashboard
Date: July 2, 2020
Mahoning County Public Health would like to announce the release of our new dashboard for COVID-19 cases and deaths in Mahoning County. The dash board can be found on our website at or by clicking here.
The MCPH interactive dashboard will be updated at 2:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (excluding Holidays). It will include a map of all COVID-19 cases and deaths (both probable and confirmed for both) in Mahoning County including the city of Youngstown by zip code with long-term care data sectioned out. The zip code indicated for each case or death corresponds to the address on file for the individual. This indicates a possible place of residence, but does not indicate the actual location of exposure to COVID-19.
City of Canfield Responsible RestartOhio Public Access Restrictions
As part of Governor Mike DeWine’s Responsible Restart Ohio plan the City of Canfield will begin to ease restrictions on public access to City Hall beginning on May 11th.
The safety of our employees, their families, as well as the general public and visitors to City Hall remains a very high priority for the City of Canfield.
We must still provide services to the citizens we serve while also continue to practice due diligence in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 Virus.
As public access to City Hall and associated facilities is rescinded, our employees must be confident in their ability to safely and effectively continue to perform their job functions and serve the general public, which in some cases may require in person meetings, or encounters.
VISITORS: Please only set an appointment with staff only if your inquiry cannot be handled through telephone, or email. Prior to setting the appointment you will be asked a series of brief pre-screening questions.
Prior to arriving at City Hall, a self-assessment should be performed and it you have a temperature DO NOT some to City Hall.
When arriving for an appointment with staff you must wear appropriate facial coverings, practice social distancing, and sanitize your hands.
COVID-19 Update: Governor DeWine Discussed State’s Plan for Reopening Businesses, Regional Coalition Formed
(COLUMBUS, Ohio)— Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton, MD, MPH, provided an update on the number of COVID-19 cases in Ohio and discussed how the state will develop its plan to reopen the economy.
“Ohioans have done a great job, a phenomenal job, fighting back, staying home, ensuring physical distancing. We’ve been doing all the things that needed to be done. I’ve never been prouder to be an Ohioan and I’m very grateful for what you have done. You have flattened the curve,” said Governor Mike DeWine.
Beginning May 1st, the state will begin a phased-in reopening of the state economy. The plan will be fact-driven over a long period of time to minimize the health risk to business owners, employees, and their customers. In consultation with Dr. Acton, Lt. Governor Jon Husted will lead the governor’s board of economic advisors to identify best practices, similar to the current requirements on essential business operations to ensure Ohioans health and safety as businesses begin the process of reopening.
Governor DeWine also announced he will work closely with the Governors of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Kentucky to reopen the region’s economy in a coordinated way. The states will review four factors as they reopen their economies: the number of cases in the state and the number of hospital admissions, the amount of hospital capacity, the ability to test and trace cases of COVID-19, and best practices for social distancing in businesses.
Federal Guidelines announced on April 15, 2020 are :
Phase 1 (Effective May 1, 2020)
- “Vulnerable” individuals should continue to shelter in place/self-quarantine
- Continue to practice physical distancing in public, no groups exceeding 10
- Minimize non-essential travel, encourage teleworking/remote
- Schools remain closed
- Prohibit nursing home and hospital visits
- Elective surgeries resume on an outpatient basis
- Bars remain closed
- Gyms can re-open under physical distancing and sanitation protocols
Phase 2 (Date TBD)
- Schools can reopen
- Non-essential travel resumes
- Bars can operate with “diminished standing-room occupancy.”
- Movie theaters, sporting venues, and churches can operate under moderate physical distancing
- Elective surgeries can resume on both an outpatient and in-patient basis
- Vulnerable people should still stay at home
- Remote work still encouraged
- Nursing home and hospital visits still prohibited
Phase 3 (Date TBD)
Assuming no resurgence of the Virus, All Restrictions would be lifted.
In accordance with the Department of Health orders regarding the COVID-19 emergency, and the March 13, 2020, Attorney General’s opinion. The City of Canfield will be accommodating public access to this meeting by utilizing the online- GO TO MEETING web & telephone access links posted below:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Information for each public meeting will be posted with the associated agenda for the meeting as the announcement is posted.
If you experience difficulties logging in, or dialing in from your phone please contact City Manager Wade Calhoun at 330-533-1101 or by email at
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
LATE PAYMENT PENALTIES will be deferred for Utility Bills due on 3/15/20, 4/15/20 and 5/15/20.
Additionally, The City of Canfield will temporarily suspend manual water meter reading inside resident’s homes. An orange door hanger will be left on resident’s front door (pictured below). If a resident is unable to obtain a reading, the utility bill will be estimated for this billing cycle.
Please utilize the following resources for more information on the Coronavirus in the state of Ohio and Mahoning County:
The COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking water. Conventional water treatment methods that use filtration and disinfection, such as those in most municipal drinking water systems, should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.
American Water Works Association