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November Ballot Items

On November 2, 2021 City of Canfield voters will have a total of ten (10) items that will appear on their ballot. In an effort to educate voters and provide all relevant and appropriate information, the City of Canfield has hosted Informational Meetings on the ballot items. Please utilized the resources on this page to obtain information, or if you have questions please feel free to give us a call at 330-533-1101.


October 26, 2021– Informational meeting on the November Ballot Items, the meeting will provide in depth details on the Police Levy, CJFD Levy, Charter Amendments, and the Mayoral Candidates.


October 13, 2021– The City of Canfield hosted an informational meeting on the upcoming November Ballot items. This meeting featured a Mayoral Candidate Forum that included a Q&A from Canfield residents.

Watch the Meeting Here

September 22, 2021 – The City of Canfield hosted an informational meeting on the upcoming November Ballot Items. Canfield voters will see ten items on the November 2, 2021 General Election.

Watch the Meeting Here

Additional Information
  1. Mayor of the City of Canfield-Vote for 1
    1. Don Dragish
    2. Wm. Bruce Neff
    3. Kathryn F. Young
  2. Tax Levy Renewal – Vote For or Against Renewal
    1. Canfield Police Department
    2. Cardinal Joint Fire District
  3. Proposed Charter Amendment – By Petition – Vote For or Against Amendments
    1. Amending Section 3.01 – City Council Terms
    2. Adding New Section 5.08 – Recall of City Manager
    3. Adding New Section 11.09 – Restrictions on use of Municipal resources
  4. Canfield Local School District Board – Vote for 3
    1. Nader Atway
    2. Matt Campbell
    3. Traci Kinkade DeCapua
  5. Mahoning County Educational Services Center Board – Vote for 3
    1. Jeff Good
    2. Kathi McNabb Welsh
    3. Richard S. Scarsella
  6. Mahoning County Issues – Vote For or Against
    1. Issue One – Mahoning County Sales and Use Tax
    2. Mahoning County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  7. Local Liquor Option – Precinct 1 Only – Beer and Wine Sales
    1. Broad Street Diner at 464 S. Broad St.