Professional Engineering/Architecture/Planning Firm General Services
Status: OPEN
Response Due Date: December 30, 2019
Firm Selected:
requesting qualifications from a professional engineering/architecture/planning firm to provide general engineering, architectural, and planning services for various municipal projects. The scope of work may include but is not limited to engineering services related to the Water Distribution System, Sewer Collection System, Storm Drainage System, Green Infrastructure, City Building(s), Municipal Planning and Funding, Bridges, Roadway, Traffic, Environmental Services, Geographical Information Systems, as well as other tasks associated with infrastructure design, construction, and/or operation and maintenance.
The services may include general consulting and technical advice, private development application reviews, planning and zoning support, analysis, planning, surveying, preparation of engineering plans and specifications, construction administration, and construction supervision. The consultant shall be familiar with City of Canfield rules and regulations.
Interested firms shall submit three hard (3) copies of the Statement of Qualifications and one (1) electronic submittal of the same. Responses must be received by December 30, 2019 at 12:00 PM. Statements of Qualifications received after this deadline will not be considered.
Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted to:
The City of Canfield
104 Lisbon Street
Canfield, OH 44406
Attn: Wade Calhoun, City Manager
Electronic submittal must be sent to Wade Calhoun, City Manager at [email protected].
Firms intending to provide engineering services pursuant to this request shall submit qualification statements for consideration as indicated below. All submittals shall be limited to twelve (12) 8.5”x11” pages with 12-point font. A page shall consist of one side of a sheet of paper with text, graphics, etc. If both sides of a sheet of paper have text, graphics, etc. that shall be considered two pages. Submittals shall include the following:
- Letter of Interest (1 Page Maximum)
- History of the Firm (1
Page Maximum)
- Provide the firm’s name, contact information, and brief background.
- List the location of the office where the majority of the work will be performed.
- Key Personnel (4 Page
- Identify the Project Manager who will have primary contact with the City on a day-to-day basis. The Project Manager must be licensed to practice in the State of Ohio and must demonstrate experience as an engineer with a focus on municipal engineering services.
- Identify other key staff members by name and title with brief resume including professional certifications. Include staff members responsible for engineering in each discipline.
- Indicate years of experience for key personnel.
- Qualifications and
Experience (4 Page Maximum)
- Provide availability of the assigned staff.
- Provide description of similar municipal engineering service projects.
- Describe the firm’s resources including staff and equipment.
- Understanding of
Community Need (1 Page Maximum)
- Demonstrate an understanding and knowledge of the City of Canfield.
- Identify and describe prior work experience with the City of Canfield or similar City of relevant population and community demographic.
- References (1 Page
- Provide a minimum of three (3) references that the City of Canfield may contact.
The City of Canfield will evaluate and rank responding firms in accordance with ORC Section 153.67-73. The City shall enter into negotiations with the most highly ranked firm based on an evaluation of the Statement of Qualifications. All responding firms will be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:
Criteria | Points |
Experience and Qualifications of Firm and Key Personnel | 40 |
Understanding of Community Need | 30 |
Past Performance and References | 20 |
Proximity of Consultant’s Office to the City of Canfield | 10 |
Special Conditions
- Statement of Qualifications will be valid through December 31, 2023.
- The City of Canfield shall not be liable for any costs incurred for the preparation of this Request for Qualifications.
- The City reserves the right to reject any and all qualification packages and to accept or reject any item therein.
- All proposals received shall become property of the City. All proposals shall become public record and shall be regarded as public records except for those parts of each proposal which are defined by the proposer as business or trade secrets, provided that such parts are clearly marked as “trade secret”, “confidential”, or “proprietary.”
Redgate Farm Development -Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements
Professional Engineering Services for Water and Wastewater Capital Improvements specific to the Redgate Farm Development Property
Status: OPEN
Response Due Date: November 15, 2019
Firm Selected:
The City of Canfield is requesting qualifications from a qualified engineering consulting firm to provide professional engineering services for various water and wastewater capital improvement projects as necessary and specific to the Redgate Farm Development Property. The services may include analysis, planning, surveying, preparation of engineering plans and specifications, construction administration, and construction supervision. The specific projects may include, but are not limited to: waterlines, booster stations, storage tanks, sanitary sewers, and sewage pumping stations. The consultant shall be familiar with City of Canfield rules and regulations.
Qualified firms shall specifically demonstrate that they have expertise in water distribution and wastewater collection system design, construction administration, and construction supervision. Firms must also demonstrate that they have expertise in environmental regulations and grant and loan application preparation.
Interested firms shall submit two hard (3) copies of the Statement of Qualifications and one (1) electronic submittal of the same. Responses must be received by Friday, November 15, 2019 at 12:00 PM. Statements of Qualifications received after this deadline will not be considered.
Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted to:
The City of Canfield
104 Lisbon Street
Canfield, OH 44406
Attn: Wade Calhoun, City Manager
Electronic submittal must be sent to Wade Calhoun, City Manager at [email protected].
Statement of Qualifications shall include the following:
- Letter of Interest (1 Page Maximum)
- History of the Firm (1 Page Maximum)
- Provide the firm’s name, contact information, and brief background.
- List the location of the office where the majority of the work will be performed.
- Key Personnel (4 Page Maximum)
- Identify the Project Manager who will have primary contact with the City on a day-to-day basis. The Project Manager must be licensed to practice in the State of Ohio and must demonstrate experience as an engineer with a focus on water and wastewater capital improvement projects.
- Identify other key staff members by name and title with brief resume including professional certifications. Include staff members responsible for engineering in each discipline.
- Provide years of experience for key personnel.
- Qualifications and Experience (4 Page Maximum)
- Provide availability of the assigned staff.
- Provide description of similar municipal engineering service projects.
- Describe the firm’s resources including staff and equipment.
- Knowledge and experience with the City of Canfield (1 Page Maximum)
- Demonstrate an understanding of the City of Canfield.
- Identify and describe prior work experience with the City of Canfield.
- Specific knowledge as it relates to this project both from a technical and operational standpoint.
- References (1 Page Maximum)
- Provide a minimum of three (3) references that the City of Canfield may contact.
The submittal must be a maximum of twelve (12) pages using 8 ½” x 11” size paper with a 12 point font. A page shall consist of one side of a sheet of paper with text, graphics, etc. If both sides of a sheet of paper have text, graphics, etc. that shall be considered two pages.
Responding firms shall be evaluated and ranked in accordance with ORC Section 153.67-73. The City of Canfield shall enter into negotiations with the most highly ranked firm based on an evaluation of the Statement of Qualifications.
Jade Circle Storm Sewer Replacement
for the City of Canfield
Jade Circle Storm Sewer Replacement
Status: CLOSED
Bid Opening Date: August 1, 2019
Bid Award: Utility Contracting Inc.
The City of Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio will receive sealed bids for the above mentioned project until 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 1, 2019 at the City of Canfield, 104 Lisbon Street, Canfield, Ohio for furnishing material and performing the labor for the execution of the above mentioned project for General Contract. The bids so received shall then be publicly opened and read aloud in Council Chambers, Canfield, Ohio, immediately thereafter.
This Project includes the removal and replacement of 500 lineal feet of 15” storm sewer. Miscellaneous improvements will include clearing and grubbing/tree removal, sidewalk replacement, concrete driveway replacement, and water curb stop and service line replacement.
Plans and specifications are available at the office of the Engineer, ms consultants, inc., 333 East Federal Street, Youngstown, Ohio, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sets purchased in person may be obtained for a payment of $50.00. Sets shipped to bidders will require a payment of $75.00. Said payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. All checks shall be made payable to ms consultants, inc. All bidders must be on record as a plan holder at the office of the Engineer.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding.
Bids for the above-described work must be submitted on blanks furnished with the bidding documents. Said bids must be submitted as one original and one copy.
All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty, made payable to the City of Canfield, OH, in the form of either:
(1) A bond for the full amount of the bid, or
(2) A certified check, cashier’s check, or letter of credit pursuant to Chapter 1305, Ohio Revised Code, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount pursuant to Chapter 153 of the ORC.
Each individual employed by the Contractor any Sub-Contractor engaged in work on the project under this contract shall be paid the prevailing wage established by the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of Ohio. This shall occur regardless of any contractual relationship that may be said to exist between the Contractor or any Subcontractor and such individual.
All contractors and sub-contractors involved with the Project will, to the extent practicable, use Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the implementation of the Project. Additionally, the contractor’s compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor’s Executive Order of 1972 and the Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.
Each bid submitted must include a current copy of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Certificate of Compliance as evidence that the bidder is certified by the State of Ohio.
The Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidders must be completed and submitted with all bids.
Domestic Steel use requirements as specified in Section 153.011 of the Revised Code apply to this project. Copies of Section 153.011 of the Revised Code can be obtained from any of the offices of the Department of Administrative Services.
All bids must be identified by marking sealed envelope – Jade Circle Storm Sewer Replacement
2019 Resurfacing (Street Paving)
for the City of Canfield
Year 2019 Resurfacing Program
Status: CLOSED
Bid Opening Date: July 9, 2019
Bid Awarded To: American Contracting LLC
The City of Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio will receive sealed bids for the above mentioned project until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at the City Administration Building, 104 Lisbon Street, Canfield, Ohio 44406 for furnishing material and performing the labor for the execution of the above mentioned project for General Contract. The bids so received shall then be publicly opened and read aloud immediately thereafter.
The Base Bid Project includes the resurfacing of all or portions of five (5) streets in the City. The total length is approximately 2.50 miles. An Alternate Bid consisting of three (3) streets have a total length of approximately 0.63 miles. The project generally includes pavement planing, roadway repair, tack coat, and asphalt surface course.
Plans and specifications are available at the office of the Engineer, ms consultants, inc., 333 East Federal Street, Youngstown, Ohio, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sets purchased in person may be obtained for a payment of $50.00. Sets shipped to bidders will require a payment of $75.00. Said payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. All checks shall be made payable to ms consultants, inc. Each bidder must be a registered plan holder with ms consultants, inc. to be eligible to submit a bid for this project.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any in-formalities in bidding.
Bids for the above-described work must be submitted on blanks furnished in the Bid Submittal Document. Said bids must be submitted as one original and one copy.
All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty, made payable to the City of Canfield, OH, in the form of either:
(1) A bond for the full amount of the bid, or
(2) A certified check, cashier’s check, or letter of credit pursuant to Chapter 1305, Ohio Revised Code, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid amount pursuant to Chapter 153 of the ORC.
Each individual employed by the Contractor any Sub-Contractor engaged in work on the project under this contract shall be paid the prevailing wage established by the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of Ohio. This shall occur regardless of any contractual relationship that may be said to exist between the Contractor or any Subcontractor and such individual.
All contractors and sub-contractors involved with the Project will, to the extent practicable, use Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the implementation of the Project. Additionally, the contractor’s compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor’s Executive Order of 1972 and the Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.
Each bid submitted must include a current copy of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Certificate of Compliance as evidence that the bidder is certified by the State of Ohio.
The Non-Collusion Affidavit of Prime Bidders must be completed and submitted with all bids.
Domestic Steel use requirements as specified in Section 153.011 of the Revised Code apply to this project. Copies of Section 153.011 of the Revised Code can be obtained from any of the offices of the Department of Administrative Services. All bids must be identified by marking sealed envelope – Year 2019 Resurfacing Program.