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Capital Improvement Projects

2020 Scheduled Projects

Street Resurfacing – 2020

The City of Canfield is planning on resurfacing a total of three (3) streets in 2020. Sandstone Ln., Stoneybrook Ln., Northview Rd. will all be paved along with miscellaneous repairs done to intersections on N. Broad St. (Neff & N. Broad, Skyline & N. Broad, Dartmouth Dr. at N. Broad)


2019 Scheduled Projects

Street Resurfacing – 2019

The City of Canfield is planning on resurfacing five (5) streets  in 2019, depending on bid results the City may be able to complete as many as eight (8). The City of Canfield has been awarded an Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) Grant in the amount of $224,926.00 to offset the cost of this paving program.

Street Paving Map
  • Brookpark Dr.
  • Cardinal Dr.
  • Deertrail Dr.
  • Sawmill Run Dr.
  • Talmsan Dr.
  • Southview Rd. (Alternate)
  • Scott St. (Alternate)
  • Edwards Ave. (Alternate)

Jade Circle Storm Water Replacement

Jade Circle Stormwater Map

The City of Canfield intends to replace an existing storm sewer along Jade Circle. The Storm sewer replacement will begin at 249 Jade Circle and replace approximately 300 lineal feet of storm sewer withing the City Right-of-Way to 269 Jade Circle. Approximately 200 lineal feet of additional storm sewer will be replace from the roadway to the backyard of 269 Jade Circle. The total project length is approximately 500 lineal feet.

Hilltop Storm Sewer Improvements

The City of Canfield intends to install storm sewer pipe and catch basins catch basins on the south side of Hilltop Boulevard from 103 Hilltop Boulevard to 79 Hilltop Boulevard where there is currently open ditch. The Total Project Length is Approximately 600 lineal feet.

Hilltop Storm Sewer Project

2018 Completed Projects

2018 Street Assessment & Resurfacing Program

2018 Resurfacing Program

The City of Canfield is planning on resurfacing seven (7) streets  in 2018, depending on bid results the City may be able to complete as many as nine (9).  

1) Chapel Ln.
2) Fair St.
3) Wadsworth St.
4) White Oak Ct.
5) Neff Dr. (Partial funding with 2018 OPWC Grant)
6) N. Hillside Dr.
7) Shadydale Dr. (Partial funding with 2018 OPWC Grant)
8) Cardinal Dr. (Alternate)
9) Deertrail Dr.(Alternate)

Findlay Avenue Drainage Improvement

The Findlay Avenue Drainage Improvement project consists of installing new catch basins, new storm pipe, cleaning and regrading an existing open drainage ditch and replacing the headwall on the western side of the ditch.  

Capital Improvement Projects

North Hillside Drive Waterline Replacement

The North Hillside Drive Waterline Replacement project will replace the existing 6-inch cast iron waterline with 8-Inch PVC waterline, as well as replacing a water valve.  The replacement of pipe will be the section of line of the western side of Hillside Drive beginning at the intersection of Hillside and Callahan to the intersection of Hillside and East Main St. (St. Rt. 224)

Capital Improvement Projects