St. Rt. 224 Street Closure begins July 26, 2021

The City of Canfield is making improvements to our sanitary sewer system in order to better serve our citizens and businesses, as well as to plan for new development. These improvements will include the upsizing of a 12-inch sanitary sewer line to an 18-inch sanitary sewer line and the resurfacing of a portion of State Route 224 due to project impacts.
The project work will be done within the Right of Way (ROW) along State Route 224 and within existing utility easements where required. This project will require lane restrictions and street closures that will impact traffic patterns in the area.
This work will take place during the hours of 6am – 6pm, St. Rt. 224 will be open during non-construction hours, however during street closures only local traffic will have access to their properties, all other traffic will be re-routed.
The project will begin at the intersection of the Mill Creek MetroParks Bike Trail and St. Rt. 224 and progress west to the Hunter’s Woods Condo Development.