Stakeholder Interviews
Stakeholder interviews were conducted with people nominated by steering committee members to add detail and specificity to the feedback received from the general public. The stakeholders were intended to provide expert or targeted feedback from passionate community members, such as large employers or civic leaders. The stakeholder meetings were conducted on June 27, June 28, and July 11, 2019.

Community Survey
Hard copies of the community survey were available at in-person public engagement events, as well as through distribution by Canfield City staff and steering committee members. The survey was also available to complete online. Questions encouraged participants to consider future growth, development, and overall livability of Canfield. A total of 191 participants completed the survey.
Online Engagement
The project website provided updates, planning materials, and public engagement activities. Bookmarks with information on the website were passed out at community events and left around
the City to spread the word about online engagement. Flyers and social media posts were used as marketing tools to encourage both online and in-person engagement.
Open House
The results gathered from the above public engagement activities helped inform the recommendations provided in this plan. A draft of the plan was presented to the public in the form of an open house event before the final document was provided to the City for adoption. The draft ideas and
recommendations were presented to the public on February 12th, 2020. The open house allowed meeting participants to prioritize draft objectives and share comments on the draft plan.